An Update on the Coterie and Haven Programs!

We’re just over two weeks in to these two new player acquisition initiatives and we wanted to share some of the images and tips that have been submitted so far!

The Coterie program is targeted at players, and will reward those that are working to grow their local Rivals community with the chance to win some great prizes, the biggest of which is in-game immortality as a Vampire card! Learn how to participate here!

The Haven program goes hand-in-hand, but targets local games shops, rewarding them for running tournaments, demo nights, and more, and one lucky retailer will have their store turned into an actual in-game Haven! Learn more here.

Here’s some helpful tips and lessons learned, from both players and retailers participating in the programs!

For Demos:

  • When demoing and teaching, lower the Agenda needed to win to 7-10 for a more concise experience.

  • Have signage! Even a simple printed sign making it clear that demos or learn-to-plays are on offer helps overcome a lot of shyness.

  • Multiplayer games both allow more attendees to learn simultaneously, they also help limit the effectiveness of purely aggressive decks

For Tournaments:

  • Consider running special events to mix things up for your community. Try the team rules, or as Knightly Gaming in the UK has tried, alternative rule sets! (First Tradition - Removed agenda gain for defeating Citizens, Seneschal of the City encouraged Prestige Drain). Gives players an incentive to explore the card pool and try new combos.

  • Use the Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals Organized Play Kits!

  • Try using both the San Francisco and Prague city decks, maybe alternating each round, or even drawing randomly!