Welcoming Trevor as Rivals Organized Play Manager!


Hello Rivals players and World of Darkness fans everywhere. My name is Trevor McGregor and I’ve recently joined the team here at Renegade Game Studios as the Organized Play Manager. I’ll share just a little bit about myself. I live in Las Vegas, NV with my gamer wife of almost 25 years and our eight-year-old dachshund. Our dachshund is great and loves to help sorting cards by getting up in your lap and trying to knock the stacks over. We have a daughter who is now an adult and lives on her own.  I’m a long-time hobby gamer, I started in middle school when my cousin introduced me to my first roleplaying game. I still have my first character sheet around here somewhere, a paladin. Trying to learn THAC0 at 12 took a little bit of effort. I started playing card games at the very beginning of customizable card game craze. I just recently celebrated my 20th year involved in making hobby games. It’s an amazing career to work all day to come up with games for players to enjoy and programs to help players find other players. The best part is getting to be immersed with some of the most passionate and amazing communities out there. Hobby gamers are so frequently the best people. I wouldn’t trade my career for anything else out there.

Up first is working with all of you fantastic Rivals players to continue and grow this amazing community. I’m excited to work with Matt, Jordan, and the rest of the Rivals team here at Renegade to help make Rivals as great as it can be for all the players out there. I want to continue the play programs that have existed before and use community feedback to make those programs even better. Maybe add a new one as well.

We have some great things to share with you over the next few weeks. A lot of it isn’t ready to share just yet but I wanted to reach out and introduce myself. Let you know I’m here and working hard to make play programs for you to enjoy this game you love. I’d love to be able to share some concrete details but not just yet. I’ll tease my workflow just a little bit - we’ve been working hard on new OP kits, lining up Prince of the City events for later in the year, setting up a European Continental Conclave, and working on some software to make it easier for players to find events.

We’re really excited about this software. It should make it a lot easier for players to find events and for organizers to host events and get prize support for those events. I’ll have a lot more details about that in the next couple of weeks.

The first major event I’ll be involved in is the North American Continental Conclave at Gen Con in Indianapolis at the beginning of August. If you’re there, please stop by and say hello. There are additional Rivals events throughout the weekend at Gen Con to play in as well. I’ve been to hundreds of conventions in dozens of cities around the world, but Gen Con remains my favorite. What a great way to spend a weekend. Hopefully you can make it. Play in some of our Rivals events, maybe some other World of Darkness events or other Renegade events, or even other games. It’s a fun-filled weekend of gaming.

Look for me to post regular updates on this website. If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can find me on the Renegade Discord server; you can DM me there as well. You can also reach me at organizedplay@renegadegames.com.

I know I said I didn’t have much to share but here is a spoiler for the upcoming Rivals release, The Hunters & The Hunted.

This is a special card from the Rio City Deck, because the text on this card was dreamed up by the Prince winners at Gen Con last year! Tune in next week for more spoilers from the Rio City Deck. Also, here's a little snippet from the rulebook, just for some mechanics context. 😉