Origins Game Fair - Prince of the City Tournament Report
Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals Expandable Card Game Tournament Report by Joseph Martin.
Origins Game Fair 2023 kicks off with a title up for grabs - the Prince of Columbus! Kindred from all around came for a shot at the title. A total of 14 players stepped into the ring to see who would become this year's Prince of Columbus at Origins Game Fair!
With three Primogens and two Princes from other cities in the fray, this was shaping up to be an intense battle of skill... Before we go any further, here is the Agenda and Haven breakdown:
Ritual Master: 3
Traditionalist: 2
Good Samaritan: 2
Invisible Army: 2
Army of One: 1
Raising the Stakes: 1
Playthings: 1
Completionist: 1
Death is Only the Beginning: 1
University Library: 3
The Chantry: 2
Country Estate: 2
Converted Bus: 2
Social Housing: 1
Mission Cemetery: 1
The High Horse: 1
Hermitage: 1
Ritual Room: 1
After many incredible plays and climactic moments, there were only four players left to compete for the title…
Coy Knotts: A Ritual Master with his Banu Haqim and Tremere, using their ritual room to effect the conflict.
Phillip Geitgey: The Prince of Dayton, who used his Tremere, Salubri, and Hecata to effect the political landscape.
Edward Kim: A Primogen of L.A. coming to see if he could take a hold of this area for himself. Kim was another ritual master with a coterie of Banu Haqim, and Tremere. They used their Chantry to cast their rituals to affect the conflict.
Josh Johnson: The Prince of Indianapolis, who aimed to dominate the others from a high horse - a Coterie of Brujah, Ravnos, Toreador, Lasombra, and Ventrue.
The anticipation to watch these four competitors face-off was palpable - who among them would emerge victorious? At a certain moment when it looked like Prince Philip would take the win, Primogen Edward Kim deftly snuck in with his ritualistic maneuvering and won the title of Prince!
Welcome Prince Edward Kim. The new Prince of Columbus.
Here are the deck lists from the Top 4:
Edward Kim (winner and Prince of Columbus)
Agenda: Ritual Master
Haven: The Chantry
Faction Deck:
Alrazz Tahir
Sama Radi
Victor Cane
Faith Gray
Sonja Valentine:
Minnie (Leader)
Library deck:
Feral Fangs x3
Blood Fueled Rage x3
Absolution x3
Divisive x3
Ritualistic combat: x2
Warding Circle x2
Smoke and Mirrors x3
Flesh of Marble x2
Premonition x2
Emergency bloodbag x3
Call to purpose x3
Secrets of the Blood x3
Seek Knowledge x3
Blood Makes Noise x3
Truth of Blood x2
Phillip Geitgey
Agenda: Good Samaritan
Haven: University Library
Faction Deck:
Alejandro Lopez (leader)
Victor Canr
Lorenzo Murik
Roman Monstrum
Flesh of Marble x2
Unswayable Mind x2
Tenebrous Avatar x2
Acuity x2
Third Eye's Charm x2
Look me in the Eyes x2
A Kiss before Dying x2
Divisive x3
Intimidation x3
Ritualistic Combat x3
The Last Word x3
Kevlar Vest x2
Late-Night Snack x2
Mental block x2
Prosperity x2
Obeah x3
Constant Surveillance x2
Free Money x2
Spirit's Touch x2
Coy Knotts
Agenda: Ritual Master
Haven: Ritual Room
Faction deck:
Alraaz Tahir (leader)
Sonjua Valentine
Library Deck:
Blood Makes Noise x3
Cursed Blade x 2
Truth of Blood x2
Call to Purpose x3
Warding Circle x3
Scorpion's Touch x3
One with the Blade x2
Divisive x2
Ritualistic Combat x2
Absolution x3
Blood Fueled Rage x2
Thought Police x1
Secrets of the Blood x3
Accept your Fate x2
Smoke and Mirrors x2
Blood Transfusion x2
Constant Surveillance x 3
Emergency blood bag x2
Josh Johnon
Agenda: Traditionalist
Haven: The High Horse
Faction deck:
Bunny Benitez
Belle forte
Timothy Winters
Bruno Wagner
Victor Temple
Library deck:
The Last Word x3
Demand Obence x3
Hedge your Bets x3
Greed x2
Rules Lawyer x3
Smoke and Mirrors x1
Steal the Spotlight x1
Teeberous Avatar x1
Final Judgement x3
Sixth Tradition x3
Fifth Tradition x3
Fourth Tradition x3
Third Tradition x3
Second Tradition x3
First Tradition x3
Balance of Power x2